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Featured Driver of the Month - Sophie Parry-Warnes

After starting her career in retail, Sophie Parry-Warnes found the irregular shift patterns and working routine meant her work/life balance was suffering.

Now, after leaving the retail industry she is a fully fledged HGV Class 2 driver working with Ipswich based Pall-Ex shareholder member Magnus Group, Sophie couldn’t be happier with her decision to ditch retail for the road!

To find out more about her role, we spoke with Sophie.

What made you chose logistics, in particular driving, as a career?

“I started out working in retail, which was a fairly logical path for me to take. After a while though, I just couldn’t stand the constantly changing shift patterns and the unsociable hours. I was missing out on so many events and opportunities with friends and family that I really had no work/life balance whatsoever!

"I started looking at other industries to see what was available and what work/life balance they could provide.

"I saw roles available in logistics, and as lorry driving was something I had always been interested in, and after more research I decided to apply and I am so glad I did!”

Having been with Magnus Group for 18 months now, what do you enjoy most about the role?

“Driving gives me the opportunity to do something I never could while working I retail – Be outdoors all day! I love the freedom driving gives me and I am always exploring new areas when out on the road.

"I think it is fair to say that I have always been a people person and enjoyed meeting new people and building relationships with customers and making collections and deliveries for new and regular customers means I get to do this every single day.

"The team at Magnus are another aspect of my job that I love. Olly is a great boss who motivates us all and everyone really pulls together to make sure we always get the job done!”

Are there any downsides to your job?

“Not really, no.

"Like I said, I love being outside and meeting new customers. It is just when customers don’t understand the principals of the industry standard kerbside delivery that the role can get a little bit frustrating.”

Find out about Kerbside delivery here (link to Knowledge hub) -

What do your days tend to look like and what tasks do you usually carry out?

“Every day tends to be quite different which I really like, especially when I compare it to days I used to work in retail.

"Some days I will start by making collections, taking these back to the depot in Ipswich, then I will head out and make deliveries. Other days start with deliveries. It really does vary each day.

"I often work in new areas too, depending on the route I am assigned to. Seeing different parts of our area is yet another benefit to being a driver!”

Does your job ever surprise people when you tell them what you do?

“The main thing that surprises people about my job and the work involved is how I manage to move the pallets that can weigh hundreds of kilos.

"I get a lot of comments about that but I’m quick to point out that the pallet truck I use is electric which makes life so much easier and safer!”

What would you say to someone considering a role in logistics?

“Honestly, just do it!

"When I was working in retail, I wasn’t happy and I didn’t think I could enjoy work as much as I do now driving lorries.

"My work/life balance is so much better and the opportunities I have to progress are endless. If you are looking for a change in career and haven’t considered driving or logistics, why not!?”

For more information about Magnus Group, please visit;

Pall-Ex is currently looking for Class 1 HGV drivers to join the team at its central hub in Leicestershire. For more information, please complete the contact form on


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